Life is at its core about change, evolution and expansion. This is the basis of all in existence, from the cosmos to the world we live in to the soul that lives in us. To honor this is to honor who we are at our core: a self that needs inner connection, authentic self-expression and ongoing aligned self-expansion, a soul that needs to create value in the world and do so from a place of inner authority and agency.

To live this way is to revolutionize the way we live.

To align to this universal principle is to honor the intelligent design that is equally universal and deeply personal. The highest journey a person can take is the journey of change, of evolution, of participation in life in a higher way. The highest legacy a person can leave is a legacy of positive change that is deeply aligned with your core purpose, innate gifts and higher sensibilities.

Brandi Martin is a writer and poet, documentary filmmaker, change leader, systems theorist and founder of 84 and Sunny, a storytelling and systems change firm where she has been a part of teaching, developing change leaders and catalyzing change at scale for many noteworthy organizations across the public and private sector. Storytelling is central to her work and the last film she directed, ‘Ae Kai (shoreline), a documentary for the Smithsonian Institute which explored the meeting points of humanity and nature, art and community and history and the future, won her national and international recognition for impactful and evocative storytelling.

As Brandi’s purpose is found in helping individuals, organizations and communities traverse the demands of change and create positive and resilient futures together, change at an individual level has always been a priority because change happens at the individual level first. With deep knowledge in psychology and systems and the forces that span between the two gives her a unique understanding and higher perspective of how the world operates and how people operate within it, both correctly and incorrectly, functionally and dysfunctionally, optimally and sub-optimally, positively and negatively. Her highest calling is to work in as many ways as humanely possible to affect change in order to tip the scales at-scale towards the correct, high-functioning, optimal and positive.

As she expands further into her mission, her passion for individual and personal change has led her to host the Soul Revolutionist podcast, write an upcoming book on self-expansion and publish selected poetry works from her private collection. Brandi is an award-winning leader, innovator and filmmaker, a systems theorist and a self-proclaimed idealist that is most often described as a futurist. She loves to philosophize about all that makes up the cosmos and the planet (in crisis) and our own souls.

Brandi lives in Honolulu, Hawaii and is available to travel for speaking engagements on all topics in the podcast and her writing and workshops on change, systems thinking and storytelling. You can visit 84 and Sunny for workshop details.

Contact Brandi with questions or inquiries.

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