Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The inner state of peace is a gateway to higher emotional embodiment states. To achieve this state we must understand what it is and then begin to make shifts within ourselves to attain it. Over time we can hold it for longer periods until it becomes our natural, core state, or embodiment state rather. This is the pathway to a more peaceful world through peaceful environments filled with peace-filled people. Less aggression, disrespect, and harmful exchanges between people is the result, followed by more harmonious exchanges that create cooperative environments. That is idealistic, but every ideal is attainable if there are enough shifts to occur in that direction.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The art of presence is the art of being in pure presence of self. The self in pure presence of itself is a self that has mastered the art of beingness. Beingness in now moments is a state of being present in the current moment in time and acutely grounded and anchored in oneself in those now moments. It is a self that is no longer distracted by the past or future, but moves into those mind states intentionally and with purpose. It is a self that is accepting of what is in each now moment and tackles it with presence, meaning it doesn't get lost in the head but stays in an active state of awareness and intention in what is being done. This is core to anyone who is interested in living a mindful existence, a highly conscious existence, or simply an existence that is at ease within themselves and in their life.


  • What presence really is.

  • The three core traits of a person in pure presence of being.

  • The three ways to help you live in each now moment.

  • What this way of living does for you and your life.



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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





Forgiveness is one of the most profound processes to master in your life. This is the pathway to true inner well-being and cultivating an inner state of peaceful serenity. It is the way to stand in truth and align to truth, always. It is the way to unburden yourself and release all that holds you down or back or more. Forgiveness is a process and there are two different ways to do it depending on the circumstances. I give you both and then a process for release when forgiveness demands a one-person job to achieve it. Of all the processes I will share on this pod, the release process is without question the most life-changing and potent for every single human being on this planet that is filled with too much inner suffering. To end this inner suffering, release is necessary. Think of this as the single most essential healing tool in your life.


  • The two types of forgiveness.

  • A forgiveness assessment process that will help you uncover the truth of a situation and person.

  • Why it is so hard to find the truth of situations and people.

  • The life-changing and profound process of release.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The ego needs to be well understood in how it expresses in people in order to begin the process of managing it, reigning it in, and having the ability to transcend it to a degree. The ego, you might think, is harmless, but listen to this episode and you will come to find just how destructive it is to not only ourself but to the world. A world that is ego driven is a world of superficiality, inauthenticity, self-serving behavior, and much more. To change the world you need to change the people in that world and to change the people in that world you need to teach them about how to begin the process of moving beyond, at least to a small degree, their own ego. This is your starting point and foundation for that understanding and very likely the first of many episodes on the ego and its place at the helm of the world we share.


  • The three core ego expressions.

  • The four main ways the ego propagandizes itself in your mind.

  • The way the ego directs the focus of your life.

  • How the ego creates a world of superficiality and inauthenticity.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The New Norm is a look at five of the most common normalized disempowering tendencies we express while interacting with others and how we can shift into more empowering ways of being in order to create what I call the new norm. From people pleasing to saying yes when we want to say no to being agreeable to everyone about everything and more, we live in a society that tells you this is normal and OK, but these should not be considered "normal".  When we shed these disempowering tendencies and express their more positive expressions you will automatically shift into a person who is more empowered in your authentic self and can express that authenticity in the world around you more consistently.


  • The five most common normalized behaviors that are disempowering.

  • The ways we can shift away from them and express more empowering behaviors.

  • The underlying drivers of those old norms that we want to move away from and shed.

  • And more.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The person with adequate levels of self-respect holds themselves in a way that is anchored in self-worth and self-value. Through those the self-respect rises and is not only the state of how they treat themselves but the way they treat others. It takes a certain amount of respect within a person to extend it outwards correctly. This obviously goes beyond basic niceties and is more about respecting the other for who they are, what they believe and how they perceive things. This respect is fostered in the world when more people can hold themselves in high states of self-respect.


  • The ways that self-respect affects a person and that person in the world.

  • The two foundations of self-respect.

  • How the respect we hold within ourselves expresses outward.

  • And more.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The understanding of the self is a profound process for it enables deeper understanding of just about everything. The more we understand what is important to know about how human beings work, we understand ourselves better and every single person we ever come in contact with. The world overall becomes more understood and that is needed now more than ever when we are all struggling with things like intolerance, nonacceptance, judgement, and a deep uncomfortableness with diversity, with basic differences in not just things like ethnicity or culture but with things like perspectives, ideas, ways of being. The things that make us unique are what we have the hardest time accepting. The world changes when we change the way we see the humans within that world and that begins and ends with the self and understanding who we are as beings with great mental capacity, inner capacity, souls and a need for soul level expression. Come on a journey with me as I touch on the things that matter most to human beings.


  • The components of the self that matter most to who we are.

  • What about us is important to unearth and see.

  • What about us requires connection and expression.

  • What blocks our authentic self from realization and emergence.

  • And much more.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





Alignment to who we are and what we are meant to do gives us an inner source of knowingness and power. We are empowered and aligned and that makes us a force in the world. It also makes us impactful in the world because we can show up in the world correctly and live out our truth in the right way that is right for us. The right way is only right if it is right for us. Alignment to who you are as a soul dictates what is right or not for you one hundred percent of the time. Authenticity is not possible without this inner alignment. Finding your purpose is also not possible without this inner alignment. Your purpose and life's fulfillment is what awaits you on the other side of alignment, and if that's not a lure I don't know what is.


  • The inner process of alignment.

  • Finding your purpose as a way to design a life that is correct for you.

  • Outer alignment to the world you live in from an inner aligned place.

  • Why alignment is a process that fosters greater self-confidence, self-worth and self-power.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





Anchoring to what we are here to do enables us to move forward and stay on course, in the right direction and continually inspired. Anchoring is a practice and a tool and a most invaluable one at that. To anchor to what the future holds and what matters most in current times is how we begin to create the change that is desperately needed within ourselves and souls and in the futures we are all here to create. We become powerful creators when we know what tools are available and how to use them in different scenarios and this week I give you one of my favorites.


  • The power of anchoring in personal and external change.

  • The way to anchor and how to do it as an ongoing way of living and leading.

  • How anchoring works as a precursor to alignment and then works to keep you in alignment.

  • How to anchor effectively and why it matters so damn much.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





Timing is what allows us to see and seize the correct windows of opportunity before or as they are opening for us and to us. To see them we need to know what signals are there beforehand, what signals are there to clue us in to the arrival of an impending window about to open. We need to know what those signals are and that enables us to see these opportunities before they happen because then we know something is about to happen. This is living attuned to ourselves and our environment in an important way. In a way that enables us to be more conscious creators.


  • How preparedness enables you to see and seize signals.

  • The three signals that tell us external change is about to happen.

  • The three signals that warn us internal change is needed.

  • The ways they intersect.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





Foresight without higher perception is not enabling of the long-term ability to truly see into the future and glean what you need. Foresight after you have reached a higher perception point is what we need, what we should aim for, the goal. The idea of reaching higher perception first and then following a simple strategy to achieve foresight is the idea that everyone is well served by seeing out into the future from an informed position in order to create the life and situations they desire. This is a simple yet effective strategy to do just that.


  • Why foresight requires higher perception to be effective.

  • How to achieve a higher perception in three easy steps.

  • How to gain foresight in two parallel efforts.

  • Why this is needed in your life if you want to be in control, a creator, a master of your own existence or world.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin





The vision for change is one of the most important processes you need to go through. Regardless of internal or external oriented change, having a clear vision with a map between the current and future you wish to create enables it possible. Closing gaps is required business, but finding out what gaps to close and how to go about closing them is all the work that happens through this process. Learn how to create the vision, do the deep thought work and identify the gaps to be closed and you are well on your way to being able to create internal or external change, or both!


  • The process for crafting a well thought out vision for change.

  • How you need to do deep mapping in two ways in order to have the vision necessary.

  • Finding the gaps to close and how to map the closure.

  • How internal change needs this as much as external change.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Resilience, Inner Strength, Positive Mindset, Change, Overcoming Adversity


How do we pick ourselves up over and over and come out of each situation with more inner strength and confidence in our own ability to persevere? Resilience. This one quality takes time and many situations and experiences to develop, but we must navigate those experiences in the right way in order to develop it. Meaning, just because we experience a lot does not make us resilient, it is how we navigate the experiences that determine if we become resilient or not. We should always aim to cultivate this trait for it gives us an inner strength, fortitude and self confidence in our own innate capability that is unmatched.


  • How to reframe situations so we don't feel victimized by life.

  • The inner qualities that build up over time to create resilience.

  • How inner strength becomes our defining character if we allow it to develop.

  • How to cultivate resilience over time.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Perception, Vision, Ego Brain, Higher Mind, Awareness, Understanding


How do you see with more accurate clarity? How do you have higher perception, clear perception? How do you stop operating from your lower egoic mind and shift up into your higher perceiving mind? I give you the three most common distortions that keep you forever locked into lower egoic mind operating and the how-to so you can transcend that state and come into a higher state of perception. This will help you not only see with more clarity and accuracy but live in a state that is higher functioning overall. When we live from a state of distortion, we live blind and sub-optimally. It is time that everyone steps up from that sub-optimal place and begins to make the necessary shifts to enable higher functioning everything.


  • How the lower mind keeps us in distortion and falsehoods.

  • How the ego brain limits our capacity for accuracy in perception and more.

  • How to transcend the three most common states and live from a higher state overall.

  • Why this impacts us and why it is so hard to change.

  • How to overcome the challenges and change anyway.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Vision, Change, The Why, Overcoming Barriers


Everything better begins with an idea of what needs to be better and why. These grow into a vision for a better future, environment, person, situation, way of doing something. These "betters" define the futures we need to create, the futures we want to create, the futures we must be willing to create. To create the better you must have the capacity to envision it in depth and then the capacity to go through the process. This episode gives you a look into how to get started.


  • The most important part of creating change.

  • How the why is the defining part of a change vision.

  • Why we run into the first two barriers and how to tackle them.

  • How our capacity for leading change dictates how far we will go.

  • Why personal change is the equally needing a solid vision and why.

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Themes: Inner Power, Self-Empowerment, Voice, Alliances, Change, Activism, Integrity


A person who can stand in their own power is a person who is capable of knowing what is correct and what is not and choosing what is correct and then standing in alliance and alignment to it. Through the use of their voice, their energy and their actions they begin to shape every single environment and system they move through. They tend to be rockers of boats but only to the boats that need to be rocked. The boats filled with those operating in service to themselves and the small groups that benefit from their actions. The boats filled with those that create harm and hurt and pain and suffering to those near to them and the environments they live and work in and move through. The way to change the way we live begins and ends with people who are able to stand in integrity and in their own power and take a stand for what is right when it comes to every situation that their own heart and soul is urging them to respond to.


  • What happens when too many people are silent, passive and over tolerant.

  • What happens when good people stand in their power and then align.

  • How to change every environment for the better.

  • Why we need this now more than ever.

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Themes: Spirituality, Evolution, Connection, Alignment, Change


To hold ourselves in a way that honors the soul and spirit or energy within us is an opposite orientation in life for most people. The common person places all importance on their physical body and then mind or intellect as everything. That neglects the most important aspects of who we are and what we are capable of. To place our soul and spirit/energy as prime and central to ourselves is to become a spiritual person. This is beyond any construct or spiritual practice a la yoga or meditation. This is about alignment and connection and wholeness within and the benefits that come from living from that place, namely higher perception and awareness, greater authenticity and self-empowerment, and that all important thing we call self-love. The modern spiritualist is a person centered in themselves authentically and knows how to live in alignment to themselves from a place of empowerment.  


  • A new definition of spirituality.

  • The way to become someone who honor their own soul.

  • How connection and alignment are supreme states to attain.

  • How higher perception unlocks all your potential and soul expansion opportunities.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Adaptability, Possibility, Flexibility, Personal Development, Self-Growth, Change


To evolve ourselves within into someone who is capable of change we must become someone who can allow for allowance to happen and become more adaptive and flexible. These are the antithesis to the person who is rigid, resistant and rejects all that makes them uncomfortable or nudges them out of their comfort zone, to the person who is incapable of change and evolution. These three abilities are the signature of someone who can grow and change throughout their life as a self and also adapt to an ever-changing world in the right way, in an easy and natural way (and both of those are the right way). Change in life is not meant to be hard or unnatural and to be able to navigate change from an adaptive and flexible state and allow for the natural ebbs and flows and surprises in life is correct and that is easy and natural. That is our goal. Go with me on the journey of how to begin to allow for these three prime foundational states to take hold within you.   


  • The process of becoming open to possibility.

  • The way to become adaptive and flexible.

  • The way to tell when you are about to begin the rejection process.

  • How to catch resistance stories you tell yourself in your mind in real time.

  • And more.

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Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Change, Mind Expansion, Adaptability, Individual Change, Life Evolution, Organizational Change, Soul Evolution


The essence of life is evolution, the purpose of life is to evolve ourselves. The way life operates is a constant state of change, unless, of course, we are stuck in the comfort zone. Nothing evolutionary or important happens from the comfort zone. Learn to step out of your comfort zone and begin to embrace the idea that change is always in the mind first and then learn how to begin to expand your mind to accept change so you can stop resisting it.   


  • What change is and how it happens.

  • What it means to become someone who can accept change.

  • How to become more adaptable.

  • How to make the inner shifts in our mind to become more open to change.

  • And more.

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Themes: Awareness, Personal Development, Self-Growth, Soul Evolution, Change, Transformation


How to we gain better awareness? How can we begin to see the world more clearly, more accurately, more acutely? How do we ensure we are not living in distortion of our own kind, our own creation? How can we see clearly and quickly when we are operating in others distortion? We need to understand how to begin to become radically self-aware, radically self-informed of the underlying drivers and causes and forces at work within us. This is the most supremely important process that begins every important process you will every undergo throughout your life when it comes to becoming someone who is emotionally mature, high functioning and high achieving in the right ways, in the aligned ways, in the connected ways. This is the kickstart to a catalyzed growth phase of coming into higher awareness and higher perception.  


  • The precursor to awareness of the world around you.

  • Underlying drivers and causes that prevent you from having good awareness.

  • The lower mind in operation versus the higher mind in operation.

  • The way that lack of awareness pervades our systems and degrades them over time.

  • And more.

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