Themes: Adaptability, Possibility, Flexibility, Personal Development, Self-Growth, Change
To evolve ourselves within into someone who is capable of change we must become someone who can allow for allowance to happen and become more adaptive and flexible. These are the antithesis to the person who is rigid, resistant and rejects all that makes them uncomfortable or nudges them out of their comfort zone, to the person who is incapable of change and evolution. These three abilities are the signature of someone who can grow and change throughout their life as a self and also adapt to an ever-changing world in the right way, in an easy and natural way (and both of those are the right way). Change in life is not meant to be hard or unnatural and to be able to navigate change from an adaptive and flexible state and allow for the natural ebbs and flows and surprises in life is correct and that is easy and natural. That is our goal. Go with me on the journey of how to begin to allow for these three prime foundational states to take hold within you.
The process of becoming open to possibility.
The way to become adaptive and flexible.
The way to tell when you are about to begin the rejection process.
How to catch resistance stories you tell yourself in your mind in real time.
And more.