Season 1 Brandi J Martin Season 1 Brandi J Martin




Themes: Personal Development, Self-Growth, Soul Evolution, Change, Transformation


Modern Revolutionist is a contemporary podcast for the modern person who seeks radical evolution and expansion of self, of mind, of soul, of spirit, of life. In this episode we will learn what it means to be a revolutionary, why we need more people of this breed now more than ever, what it takes to be someone capable of change and how all change begins and ends with the self. To be catalytic in the world is to have a vision of positivity for that world and then have the drive and means to create it. To create it means to have the inner ability to operate correctly in the world in such a connected and high perceiving way. To live in a way that is deeply connected, aligned and correct so you can be your authentic self and live your purpose fully. To live this way is to revolutionize the way we live.

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